Sunday, April 09, 2006


If you could suddenly possess an extraordinary talent, what would it be?

If you could have chosen your own first name, other than your current one, what would it be?


Unknown said...

glad you found my blog:) i like reading peoples blogs..its fun to keep up on their need to come hang out at our place again sometime!!:)

Tory Jane said...


I'd have to say the supernatural ability to never have to pay for another thing in my life. :) Or, flight.

And if I had to change my name... Um... That's a good question... I kinda dig my name, but if I had to pick a different one, I guess I'd pick another semi-unique name like Felicity, or something funky like Genesis. I like the more unique names.

How about you?

ginag said...

These are tough ones. I agree with you, never having to worry about money would be nice or worry about anything for that matter! I as well like unique names, my parents were deciding between Gina and Tiffany. Let me tell you I am SO glad that I wasn't named Tiffany. At least I know what I don't want to be named.