Monday, August 04, 2008

The Mail

Today I received a piece of mail for assisted living and memory care. Yes, assisted living and memory care...I know I am turning 30 this year but come on. Who sent this to me as a joke?!?!?! I was being notified that I could go check out my new home and get free refreshments. On the brochure there was a picture of this elderly woman who might even be my neighbor!

Do you ever wonder how in the world they got your name and address? How and why do I get these crazy pieces of mail? We all sure did get a kick out of it!


Anonymous said...

hilarious! we are turning 30 - we're not as young as we used to be..


Yamamoto Family said...

Wait until you start getting the hair growth brochures...those are just as funny!!!!

sharonie said...
