Friday, December 21, 2007

A new tradition...that I LOVE!

This family is near and dear to me!!! I have been watching these four boys for almost two years. Through that time I have become not only very close to Jordan, Taylor, Dylan, and Kode, but also super good friends with Erik and Ang. We took a road trip to California this summer, which was an absolute blast. So many stories to tell and laughs to laugh! One of the places we ate at a few times and enjoyed while we were out there was Baja Fresh.

For the past few months, we have made a tradition of eating Baja one night a week and just hanging out together. I thoroughly look forward to this time of rough housing, laughing, eating, catching up on life, having good conversation, watching movies, or just chillin'! I love this time to reconnect after whatever any of us have been through that week. I continue to look forward to these Baja nights as each week comes!

As I write this I am reminded of one of my New Years resolutions from this year which was

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This love of this new tradition is warmly returned by the family who holds you very near and dear to all of their hearts...we love you Gina and look forward to many more Baja nights!!!