Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Can't stand it!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I just hate living month to month! I wish that money would not be an issue, but it is. At times I dream about what it would be like to not have to live like this. I think many people say they live month to month but really don't. I think they have it comfortable but say that because it may feel like that to them. But when I say that I live month to month I mean I have just enough to pay the bills and if there is left over then I can splurge and go out to eat or get a coffee.

I am not complaining, although it may sound like it. I am so greatful for the jobs and money that God has provided. I just am curious to know what it would be like to have the chance to splurge and live for one month how I dream of it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

boy do i know that feeling and then there are times when i feel like i may catch up and the then the bottom falls out again ughhhhhhh.