Saturday, June 23, 2007

Oh crap!

So this evening I was watching 2 boys. I have watched them for over a year now. One is potty trained and the other is not. After dinner, the youngest child decided to "do his duty". When I went to change him, I could not find any wipes. I searched the entire house, the diaper bag was missing too. What does a girl do?

After I put the boys to bed, all was well in the nice quiet house, until about 30 minutes later when the little one was crying. I went to check on him to find out...he pooped again.....and there are still no wipes.

What is one suppose to do when this happens?


Anonymous said...

I'm not sure what they call them in the suburbs but I would use what we in Indiana call a "washcloth." Maybe a little warm water and soap. But hey, what did I know?

ginag said...

Actually that is what I used the first time, but I couldn't see getting 2 washcloths dirty with poop. And if you could have seen the look on the mom's fact when I told her I used one, you would have thought I had eaten the poop or something. Yuck!