Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Schools in session

I am officially back in college. Class started Monday and 3 weeks from Wednesday I should be all finished. It is going to go by so fast!!! Despite the intense work load, I think I am really going to enjoy this reading diagnosis class! It is practical and I can apply it to the students I am currently tutoring. Some aspects will be stretching because they are new, but in the big picture this will be very beneficial for my career.

Today we had our first pop quiz...this teacher doesn't mess around. One day of class and then boom. And it is weird to think, you miss one class and really it's like you are missing a whole week of class.

1 comment:

sharonie said...

Amazing....I really give you props for going back to school and doing this. You will have to let me know anything I can use in my classroom too.