Monday, November 05, 2007


I have been under an amazing amount of stress lately. There is just a TON of things that I need to get done along with normal life activities. I have been tested and stretched beyond measure. My shoulders are a disaster because I hold my stress in there. What is funny is that I thought I was doing things correctly...working out, deep breathing, praying, listening to soothing music, getting enough sleep...Sometimes I guess that just doesn't cut it. I wonder what I could have done differently.

After this weekend, I assumed that my stress levels would reduce, but it seems as though I cannot "unwind". With the holidays being around the corner, I am concerned. I LOVE to enjoy these seasons in all ways possible. Seeing Christmas decorations in the stores and hearing Christmas music on the radio is totally getting me excited. BUT...How am I going to do it? How will I fit everything in and let alone enjoy every second of it.

Any ideas on how to not allow stress to take over my mind or my body?


Anonymous said...

have a glass of wine!

Anonymous said...

Try to priortize things. It may help you clarify what MUST be done vs. what does NOT need to be done. The rest may prove to be things that can be done eventually but not necessary at this moment. If it works, your stress load may lessen.

Anonymous said...

I wish there was some great secret to impart but it seems that you are doing all the things I would do. Just imagine how stressed you would be if you werent getting enough sleep, breathing or working out.
by the way I love the new look to your blog very cool.