Sunday, April 02, 2006


There is nothing better in life than to laugh. It is such a good feeling to have a sore stomach and cheeks that hurt. Laughter is refreshing for the soul! Here are some of my recent things that I have found funny:

1. The new Ashton Kutcher commercial which is promoting "Punk'd"

2. Jay Leno's headlines

3. Cupcake flavors that my friends have come up with for me to make (this goes out to my homies that hung out with me tonight)

4. Ellen's dancing at the beginning of her show.

5. Jay Leno's 99cent buys

6. People saying that I look like Dora the Explorer (do I really? I can say "hola" and "arriba", but other than that I think those our only similarities)


Anonymous said...

You are so cool.. I love you Gizzo!


Tory Jane said...

I would simply have to agree with your entire list! Well, I wasn't a part of the cupcake funness, but, I was filled in... and I can imagine I would have been laughing right along with you guys.

And I agree with Amy - you are so cool!