Wednesday, April 05, 2006


Let me just give you a little backgroud. When growing up (starting in 7th grade) I had to purchase everything for myself from clothes, to gas for the car, to going to the movies...So from a young age I have been very self sufficient and cautious with my money since I have worked hard for it.

Then there is my family and how they received monetary gifts. Well they would receive them, but then felt like they would have to repay that person in someway (there were ridden with guilt it seemed) whether it was by giving the gift back or giving it away or doing something in return for the person who gave them the gift.

Has there been a time where you have found the perfect gift for one of your friends or your spouse or a family member? Weren't you just so excited about the gift and couldn't wait to give it to him/her? Did you ever think about getting anything in return? Usually when I have done this I can't wait to give the gift so that I can see their expression and excitement.

Well as some of you know I quit my job at the end of December and I am on the hunt to find the next step in life for me. So in the mean time I am just doing odd jobs to get by, like babysitting, starting up a cupcake business, and doing some catering.

I find it funny that God is working on this area in my life (money) right now because 2 things happened within the last week in regards to this. First, a family whose child I taught called me and said they had a gift for me. I was absolutely blown away by the amount. Shocked. Mouth to the floor. Then today I had to pick up something from a family who I had made cupcakes for. I donated these cupcakes for this event to get my name out there and was just so excited for the opportunity. Well this lady decided to give me a gift card because she was so appreciative. Again, I was overwhelmed. All I could say was thank you and she said, that she just wanted to do that.

I am learning that when people give you a gift it is because they want too, not because they have too and all I need to do is say "Thank You"!

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