Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Today was just an ordinary day, no specific agenda. As I reflect upon the day, it was a really great day. Here is a little glimpse:

-the fresh smell of clean crisp sheets I put on my bed

-spending most of the day with one of my dearest friends, Erin

-getting down and dirty with Erin and just sharing what is really going on in our lives, there is nothing better than honesty and support from your friends!

-having McDonalds for lunch

-getting a few phone calls to line up babysitting jobs for this week (good news since I am jobless)

-finding great deals at Crate and Barrel Outlet

-purchasing an espresso machine from Starbucks for my family (I find this funny because no one in my family drinks coffee except for my sister-in-law)

-babysitting these four amazing boys; the younger ones (five and six years old) love playing poker, but tonight we added a twist. if you won the bet you had to come up with a dance. there was a ton of laughter, it was great!

-watching the NCAA game with my dad and brothers

-laughing my ass off watching Christopher on "The Tonight Show". he is an 8 yr. old inventor, he was a nut!!

I wonder what tomorrow will hold!

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