Thursday, April 06, 2006

Librarian for a day!?!

Before I begin, I heard tonight on Leno that Tori Spelling has a wardrobe designer for her dog.
Are you kidding me?

Moving on...
So 6:45 a.m. my phone rings this morning. The school I previously taught at was calling because they needed me to sub. If I can, I usually jump at this opportunity because I love seeing the kids that I taught. There is something about seeing their smiling faces and receiving their hugs that just warms my soul.

Then I found out I wasn't teaching, but I would be the librarian. If you know me you are aware that I am not a fan of the library. It is way too quiet and I unfortunately do not enjoy to read (that doesn't mean I don't). So I stay away from libraries. There are times I need total silence, but usually I prefer interaction with people or music playing in the background.

The day in the life of a school librarian was really fun-yes I said fun. The best part was that I was able to interact and catch up with not just one class of students but an entire school of them. I am a very organized person and like to plan things so to check books in and out was no big deal and I felt like I was accomplishing something. The reshelving part was the pain!

Who knew I'd enjoy being a librarian for a day?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Someone is up late posting. :)